17–21 Nov 2024
Thesaurus Convention and Exhibition Centre
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires timezone

Third circular

Dear colleagues,

This is a friendly reminder about the upcoming 7th Symposium on Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays, UHECR2024, scheduled to take place in Malargue, Argentina, from November 17th to 21st, 2024. 

We have decided to extend the deadline for the abstract submission to Friday, August 30th. 

Regarding the registration, the dates are unchanged: the deadline for the early bird fee remains Monday, September 30th.

We would like to remind you that for abstract submission, you need to create an account on the Symposium Indico at: https://indico.ahuekna.org.ar/event/768/overview

Additionally, a limited number of reduced fees for Master or PhD students from Latin America are available. Students interested in applying for fee reductions should send an email to uhecr2024@auger.org.ar, including a short CV and a recommendation letter from their supervisor. Requests for support will be considered if sent by Monday, August 16th.

Finally, we would like to stress that if you need a visa to travel to Argentina, please contact the Local Organising Committee as soon as possible.

We would be grateful if you could forward this email to any colleagues who may be interested in attending UHECR2024 but might not have received this announcement.

If you have any questions, please contact us at uhecr2024@auger.org.ar.

Best regards,

The Local Organizing Committee of UHECR2024
Ingo Allekotte, Belen Andrada, Fernando Gollan, Geraldina Golup, Federico Sanchez