Annual meeting of DDAp and HIRSAP 2022

Campus Miguelete (UNSAM)

Campus Miguelete


Auditorio Lectura Mundi (Thursday 10th) Auditorio IIB (Friday 11th)

DDAp/DDEIT and HIRSAP (Helmholtz International School for Astroparticle Physics and Enabling Technologies)

  • jueves, 10 de noviembre
    • 9:00 9:10
      Session: Opening remarks Campus Miguelete

      Campus Miguelete


      Auditorio Lectura Mundi
      Moderadores: Alberto Etchegoyen (ITeDA (CNEA - CONICET - UNSAM)), Ralph Engel (KIT)
    • 9:10 11:15
      Session Campus Miguelete

      Campus Miguelete


      Auditorio Lectura Mundi
      Moderador: Federico Sanchez (ITeDA)
      • 9:10
        A glance at cosmology through gravitational lenses 50m

        Dark matter has been an active field in cosmology and particle physics, involving astrophysical observations, experiments and theoretical modeling. As the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle paradigm became empirically disfavoured, a pandora box of Dark Matter models was opened, with candidates spanning 90 decades in mass. In this talk I will discuss one technique to explore Dark Matter properties, namely, strong gravitational lensing (SL). This effect produces highly distorted, magnified and/or multiple images of distant sources, whose light bundles are affected by the gravitational field of a foreground object acting as a lens. More generally, SL can be used to constrain cosmological parameters and to test modifications of General Relativity aimed at explaining Dark Energy. I briefly review the phenomenology of SL, from microlensing by stars and planets to giant arcs and Einstein rings from the lensing by galaxies and galaxy clusters. I will present recent results on using Einstein rings to constrain modified gravity and the prospects for upcoming wide-field optical surveys such as Rubin LSST. These surveys will require the use of machine learning both to find and to model the strong lenses. We shall also discuss the prospects of LSST for constraining the abundance of primordial black holes as Dark Matter.

        Ponente: Dr. Martin Makler (ICAS-UNSAM)
      • 10:00
        Contribution 1 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio Lectura Mundi
        Ponente: Sr. Tobias Schulz (KIT)
      • 10:15
        Contribution 2 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio Lectura Mundi
        Ponente: Sra. Flavia Gesualdi
      • 10:30
        Contribution 3 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio Lectura Mundi
        Ponente: Sra. Sara Martinelli (KIT)
      • 10:45
        Contribution 4 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio Lectura Mundi
        Ponente: Sra. Carmina Pérez Bertolli (ITeDA)
      • 11:00
        Contribution 5 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio Lectura Mundi
        Ponente: Gabriel Brichetto Orquera (ITeDA)
    • 11:15 11:45
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:45 13:15
      Session Campus Miguelete

      Campus Miguelete


      Auditorio Lectura Mundi
      Moderador: Dr. Ralph Engel (KIT)
  • viernes, 11 de noviembre
    • 9:00 11:05
      Session Campus Miguelete

      Campus Miguelete


      Auditorio IIB
      Moderador: Dr. Markus Roth (KIT)
      • 9:00
        Machine learning and advanced statistical methods in cosmology 50m

        The increasing depth and completeness of cosmological surveys is generating a wealth of data which is not trivial to unravel. New techniques using machine learning and advanced statistical methods will be necessary to make sense of that data, and to combine the different surveys. This vast wealth of information also imposes strict demands from simulations, which must cope with a unified description of large-scale structures not only in terms of different tracers, but also in different messengers -- including cosmic rays, gravitational waves and neutrinos. In this talk I will discuss some efforts in these directions.

        Ponente: Prof. Luis Raul Abramo (IF/USP)
      • 9:50
        Contribution 12 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio IIB
        Ponente: Joaquin de Jesus
      • 10:05
        Contribution 13 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio IIB
        Ponente: Varada Varma
      • 10:20
        Contribution 14 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio IIB
        Ponente: Sr. Steffen Hahn (KIT)
      • 10:35
        Contribution 15 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio IIB
        Ponente: Marina Scornavacche (ITeDA)
      • 10:50
        Contribution 16 15m Campus Miguelete

        Campus Miguelete


        Auditorio IIB
        Ponente: Sr. Luca Deval (KIT)
    • 11:05 11:35
      Coffee Break
    • 11:35 12:50
      Session Campus Miguelete

      Campus Miguelete


      Auditorio IIB
      Moderador: Dr. Daniel Supanitsky (ITeDA)
      • 11:35
        Contribution 17 15m
        Ponente: Ezequiel Rodriguez (ITeDA)
      • 11:50
        Contribution 18 (virtual) 15m
        Ponente: Sra. Kathrin Bismark
      • 12:05
        Contribution 19 15m
        Ponente: Juan Bonaparte
      • 12:20
        Contribution 20 (virtual) 15m
        Ponente: Juan Salum (ITeDA)
      • 12:35
        Backend Design of the Read-Out System for Cryogenic Particle Sensors 15m

        In this talk I will present the last results in the development of the Digital Bakend (DB) for a read-out electronics, suitable for cryogenic particle sensors multiplexed in the frequency domain (FDM), with applicability in Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) surveys and neutrino mass determination such as ECHo.

        Ponente: Luciano Ferreyro (ITeDA)